Matovu, Umar2016-05-102016-05-102015-122012-BSCPH-PT-039372.372096761 MAT and Background: The study “analysis of factors influencing reproductive health education among the teenagers in triangle zone Mulago II” intended to analyze the factors influencing reproductive health education among the teenagers in triangle zone, Mulago II. It was guided by the following objectives; to determine the Social, economic and socio-cultural factors that influence reproductive health education among the teenagers in triangle zone, Mulago II, determine the teenagers’ attitude and influence on reproductive health education in triangle zone, Mulago II and determine the proportion of parents involved in reproductive health education among the teenagers and influence on reproductive health education among teenagers in triangle zone, Mulago II. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study that employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The sample of 120 respondents was considered which comprised of teenagers and parents, community members, local political leaders, religious leaders and school teachers. Results: The study findings revealed that age, sex(χ2= 12.396 p < 0.001), level of education(χ2= 41.509 p = 0.000), marital status (χ2= 19.676 p = 0.001), number of children in the family, religion (χ2= 71.185 p <0.000), occupation of the respondents, place of origin attitude of teenagers and parental involvement had significant influence on reproductive health education among teenagers in triangle zone, Mulago II. Parents and teachers had minimal participation in educating the teenagers about reproductive health. Conclusion: The study has revealed that teenagers are unable to access reproductive health information because there are inadequate educators. It is therefore recommended that more youth centers to cater for teenagers alone should be established close to communities where teenagers can access Reproductive Health information and family planning education.enSex Education -- TeenagersSex education -- Factors influencingReproductive healthAnalysis of Factors Influencing Reproductive Health Education Among The Teenagers in Triangle Zone, Mulago II.Thesis