Katongole, Richard2019-08-142019-08-142018-12http://dspace.ciu.ac.ug/xmlui/handle/123456789/1339AbstractABSTRACT Introduction: Hypertension is a condition in which the blood vessels have persistently high blood pressure therefore the study was knowledge, attitude and practices on hypertension management of essential hypertensive patients attending the OPD clinic of MRRH. The study accounted for patients who lived in Mubende district for more than six months and aged between 4099years. General objective: The general objective of the study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practices on hypertension management of essential hypertensive patients attended the OPD clinic of MRRH under which the specific objectives of the study were; to assess knowledge on hypertension, determine attitude towards and identify practices on hypertension management among essential hypertensive clients attending OPD clinic of MRRH. Methodology: The study was descriptive crosssectional design and involved 102 respondents who were assessed on their knowledge, attitude and practices towards hypertension management. The study involved both primary and secondary (previous study) sources. The sampling frame was random and respondents were enrolled to complete the questionnaires administered after clear explanations and they consented for their participation in the study. Data was collected and analyzed using, SPSS version 20, Excel word, to aid in explanation and drawing deductions. Results and conclusions: The results revealed that most of the essential hypertensive patients are female, catholic, Baganda, who are married, aged 5569years and maximally studied up to primary level. The study also found that there is limited knowledge on the term HTN, and complications of the disease that may arise due to mismanagement. On addition, it is found that the use of physical exercises as one of the modalities to manage HTN is low. Recommendations: The government of Uganda through MOH and finance should optimize funds on outreach programs, finance communication adverts via; radios, TVs, journals and posters about hypertension and other diseases to boost community awareness about HTN and its proper management. The government through MOH, NDA, UNMS and other organizations should avail adequate drugs and stocks at the health centers and hospitals to step down expenses patients incur or fail to afford on medications so as to make management of their condition effective. Furthermore the government through MOE and sports should implement and sustain UPE, USE programs to aid in eradicating illiteracy and provide physical exercise centers and trainers to the different health centers and hospitals to aid in steppingup the proportions of people involving in the struggle to manage hypertension. Through MOH, MRRH should consider recruiting more hospital and community health workers to increase on the efficiency in health service delivery. Last but not least, the community members of Mubende district should actively participate and support all health service programs in their area to minimize risks to hypertension and other disease as to save generations.enHypertensionKnowledge,Attitude and Practices On Hypertension Management Of Essential Hypertensive Patients Attending The Outpatient Clinic Of Mubende Regional Referral HospitalThesis