Factors Influencing Parent-Adolescent Communication on Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues:
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International Health Sciences University.
Parent-adolescent communication regarding sexual and reproductive health issues has been pointed out as one of the strategies of reducing adolescent risk taking sexual behaviors. However, this communication takes place on particular issues not others as parents often remain silent on sensitive sexuality issues like sexual involvement, contraceptive use, body changes and STI's. This study was conducted to establish the factors influencing parent-adolescent communication on sexual and reproductive health issues.
The main study objective was to determine the factors influencing parent-adolescent communication on sexual and reproductive health issues in Kawempe division, Kampala Uganda.
The study followed quantitative and qualitative research methods using a cross-sectional study design. The target population comprised of parent/guardians within Kawempe Division Kampala. Probabilistic sampling methods like simple random sampling and cluster sampling methods were used to identify the study participants. Researcher administered questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data and qualitative data was obtained by conducting FGD. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 16.0 Microsoft excel and qualitative data from the FGD was analyzed manually.
Findings from the study revealed that 58% of the parents who participated in this study communicate with their adolescent children on sexual and reproductive health issues and 42% of them do not. Most of the parents who communicate SRH issues with their adolescent children do it on individual basis through conducting one on one counseling of children. When communication takes place it is on topics which are not very sensitive, and tends to be perfunctory and the study identified the following barriers to communication: During the bivariate analysis on the socio culture factors influencing parent-adolescent communication on SRH, gender (p value= 0.001), marital status (p value= 0.003), and education background (p value=0.001) had significant influence on parent-adolescent communication on SRH. Other factors like age (p value = 0223), religion (p value =0.182) and employment status (p value=0.010) did not have a significant influence on the dependent variable. Parents have perceptions towards communicating issues regarding sexual and reproductive health with their children and these perceptions have been attributed to hinder them from carrying out the sexual health education. Conclusion and Recommendation:
Gender/sex differences between parents and their children, marital status and education background of parents/guardians have been highlighted to influence parent-adolescent communication on SRH. Majority of parents do communicate to their adolescent children on SRH issues although there still exist negative perceptions towards carrying it out.
However, the study recommends that parents should be sensitized on the importance of sex health educating adolescent children so as to reduce on the adolescent risk taking behaviors and the consequences.
Sexual Orientation -- Parent and Adolescent Communication -- Uganda, Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues -- Parents and Adolescents -- Uganda