Uptake of Breast Cancer Screening Among Women of Reproductive Age Attending Antenatal Clinic:
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International Health Sciences University
This study was conducted with a general objective of determining uptake of breast cancer screening among women of reproductive age attending antenatal clinic in Naguru hospital, Nakawa division. Specifically the study aimed at determining individual, socio-economic and institutional factors influencing uptake of breast cancer screening. The main objective of the study was to determine uptake of breast cancer screening. The main objective of the study was to determine uptake of breast cancer screening among women of reproductive age attending antenatal clinic at Naguru hospital, Nakawa division while the specific objectives were; to identify the institutional, individual and socio-economic factors influencing uptake of breast cancer screening among women of reproductive age attending antenatal clinic.
The study utilized a cross sectional study design with descriptive research methods. A questionnaire was prepared, pretested and data collected by research assistants for approximately one month. Data was reviewed, edited and entered in SPSS for analysis. Both univariate and bivariate analyses were done using cross tabulation.
Results indicate that among individual factors influence uptake of cancer screening services. Age, Knowledge and Attitude have a significant relationship with uptake of breast cancer screening as shown by respective statistical values of significance (p=0.001 and 0.002, 0.004). The frequency of breast cancer screening increases among women with increase in Age, awareness in regard to Knowledge, and Attitude. Prevalence in Breast cancer screening is higher when women are knowledgeable and have positive attitude towards breast cancer screening.
All socio-economic factors influence uptake of breast cancer screening among women. Values of significance show that education level (p=0.033), occupational status (p=0.036) and income level (p=0.033)have a significant relationship with uptake of breast cancer screening among women of reproductive age. Higher education, better occupational status and higher income earnings among women were found to be associated with higher prevalence in breast cancer uptake.
Availability of information and access to medical health facilities were found to be associated with higher frequency of breast cancer uptake; increased information availability and access to health centers influence uptake of breast cancer screening.
The recommendations made the following findings including; government designing policies and putting in place structures supportive to the education of the girl child, promote adult education amongst women and encourage a positive attitude among women towards breast cancer screening to target higher prevalence of breast cancer screening.
Breast cancer - screening - Uganda