Prevalence Of Anaemia And Associated Factors Among Children Under 5 Years Seeking Medical Services At International Hospital Kampala (IHK)
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International Health Sciences University.
Aneamia possesses a significant health burden that is not properly addressed in Uganda with
the prevalence ranging from 15% to 75% by region, (Uganda DHS, 2011). Anaemia in
children is a grave health problem in 53% of under five year olds with potential on their
health and economic wellbeing for instance anaemia if not promptly managed may cause
irrevocable cognitive and developmental delays (UBOS & ICF, 2017). Anaemia is known to
be results of under nutrition thus, it might be strongly correlated with other child nutritional
A cross-sectional study was conducted to gather information on the factors associated with
anaemia among children under-Five years at IHK from 337 children whose blood samples
were drawn for analysis.
The main purpose of the study was determine the prevalence and the factors associated with
anaemia among children under 5 years seeking medical services at International Hospital
Kampala (IHK) Kampala district.
Results showed that mild anaemia was 20.9%, moderate anaemia was 11.6% and severe
anaemia was 4.3%. demographic characteristics found to be associated were gender of the
child (χ 2 =4.113, P=0.043), weight of the child at the time of study (χ 2 =26.088, P=0.000),
History or incidence of intestinal worms in children (χ 2 =165.809, P=0.000), HIV status (χ 2
=26.486, P=0.000).
Parental factors were found to be education (χ 2 =39.65, P=0.000 mother employment status
(χ 2 =31.59, P=0.000), father‟s level of income (χ 2 =25.87, P=0.039), and mother's level of
income (χ 2 =41.72, P=0.000).
The study concluded that the level of anaemia was generally moderate and sex of child and
mothers level of education influenced the anaemic condition.
The study recommended that all children should be assessed using a CBC machine in order to
offer specific treatment interventions for the children seeking care International Hospital,
Diseases of the Cardiovascular system, Anemia